Sunday, October 6, 2024

This is a photograph taken on December 6th, 1946, of the moderate damage to the Nagasaki Higher Commercial School (Nagasaki College of Economics, about 3km from the hypocenter) that was exposed to the Nagasaki atomic bomb.

     Undisclosed photos of Japanese

        A-bomb survivors

   U.S. Atomic Bomb Surveys

The National Archives College Park, Maryland

          February 22, 2024        










Photograph by Signal Corps US. ARMY


Postscript: The school building was only slightly damaged and was used as a relief center for A-bomb survivors. After September 1945, the temporary headquarters of Nagasaki Medical College (the forerunner of Nagasaki University's School of Medicine), which had been devastated near the hypocenter, was moved here. In October, it was moved to Shinkozen Elementary School.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Israeli army bombed Ain Derb in southern Lebanon at the end of September 2024. Many people were killed or injured that weekend, and a woman wailed and mourned at a mass funeral held on October 1st 2024.

  The Israeli army bombed Ain Derbe in southern Lebanon at the end of September 2024. Following the large number of deaths that occurred over the weekend, women wept at a mass funeral held on October 1st 2024. The Lebanese Ministry of Defense announced that the death toll from the Israeli military's attack on Ain Dherab on September 29 had reached 45.

  From October 1, 2024, the Israeli military invaded southern Lebanon across the border and launched a ground attack against the Iran-backed Islamic Shiite militant group Hezbollah. The aim was to keep Hezbollah forces away from the Israeli border. First, the Israel Defense Forces began ground raids against Hezbollah terrorist targets and infrastructure in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah, a Lebanese militia and political party supported by Iran, began firing on Israel on October 8th in order to support Hamas, which has been at war with Israel since the terrorist attack on October 7th, 2023.

  The history of conflict between Israel and Lebanon began on March 11, 1978, when Israeli forces invaded Lebanon in pursuit of Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) militants who had attacked a civilian bus near Tel Aviv, killing 35 people and injuring 71. Israeli soldiers spent about a week in southern Lebanon, driving the PLO north of the Litani River in Lebanon. In 1982, the Israeli army invaded southern Lebanon and drove out the PLO, which was based in Lebanon, again. The war-born Hezbollah has been a designated U.S. terrorist organization since 1997, and receives financial support from Iran and has pledged allegiance to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. The Shiite militia was formed in the early 1980s with the aim of resisting Israeli forces. Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon in 2000, and Hezbollah gained popularity. In August 2006, a month-long war broke out between the two countries, with both aerial bombardment and ground attacks. The 34-day conflict left around 1,200 people dead in Lebanon and 43 in Israel. For the next 17 years, the two countries followed UN Security Council Resolution 1701, and kept hostilities at a minimum along the border.

Warning: A woman mourns during a funeral Tuesday for people killed over the weekend in Israeli strikes on Ain Deleb in southern Lebanon. (Amr Abdallah Dalsh / Reuters)

Soviet soldiers and civilians walked past the bodies of three German soldiers from the 1st Battalion of the 27th Infantry Regiment, who had died in hand-to-hand combat in the city of Mogilev in Belarus, which was then part of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, ignoring them.

  Soviet soldiers and civilians walked past the bodies of three German soldiers from the 1st Battalion of the 27th Infantry Regiment, who had been killed in hand-to-hand combat on the streets of Mogilev in Belarus, which was then part of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic. The city was liberated by the 2nd Belorussian Front, led by Major General I.D. Chernyakhovsky, on June 28th 1944. Mogilev, defended by the 39th Army, part of the German Army's 4th Army, was overwhelmed by the “Bagration Operation”, a large-scale summer offensive by the Soviet Army. The German Army's Central Group lost more than 30 divisions in this operation, and it became the largest defeat of the German Army in World War II.

  Mogilev was badly destroyed, and everything was dead. The main streets were filled with the bodies of German soldiers. The German soldiers, who had fallen into a panic, retreated as they passed by. From the ambulances, the cries and groans of the wounded German soldiers could be heard. In the ruins of the city along the road, the corpses were scattered on the road, trampled on, and desperate cries could be heard. Hitler had ordered that Mogilev be defended to the last man.

  The Mogilev Offensive by the Soviet Red Army on the Eastern Front of World War II was part of the Belorussian Strategic Offensive, and was called Operation Bagration. By capturing the city of Mogilev in Belarus, it overwhelmed a large part of the German 4th Army. The Mogilev Offensive began on the morning of June 23rd with heavy artillery fire from the Soviet Red Army against the German defensive line. Operation Bagration was the codename for the Soviet Union's strategic offensive in Belarus in 1944. It took place from June 22nd to August 19th, 1944. Operation Bagration on the Eastern Front of World War II occurred just over two weeks after the Normandy Landings on the Western Front, and for the first time since the start of the war, the German army encountered two major fronts simultaneously. The Soviet Red Army completely shattered the German army front line by destroying 28 of the 34 divisions of the German Army Group Center. The overall engagement was the greatest defeat in the history of the German army, with approximately 450,000 German casualties. Meanwhile, another 300,000 German soldiers were cut off in the Kursk Pocket.

  On June 22, 1944, the Soviet Red Army attacked the German Army Group Center in Belarus, encircled and destroyed its main component forces, and by June 28, the German Army's 4th Army, along with the bulk of the 3rd Panzer and 9th Armies, had collapsed. The Soviet Red Army, taking advantage of the collapse of the German front line, surrounded the German formation near Minsk with the Minsk Offensive, and Minsk was liberated on July 4th. With the effective resistance of the German army in Belarus over, the Soviet Red Army's offensive continued into Lithuania, Poland and Romania from July to August.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

In Salisbury, Rhodesia, nationalist guerrillas operating in the Inyanga Mountains near the border with Mozambique rounded up and gunned down 27 tea plantation workers late on December 19, 1976; the wives and families of the 27 stared down at the bodies of their relatives, who had been killed in the massacre of a tea plantation worker in the mountains of the Inyanga Mountains near the border with Mozambique.


 ローデシア・ブッシュ戦争(Rhodesian Bush War)は、1964年7月から1979年12月にかけて、国連の未承認国であるローデシアで起こった内戦である。この内戦では3つの勢力が対立する紛争が勃発した。イアン・スミスが率いるローデシア政府軍、ロバート・ムガベ率いるジンバブエ・アフリカ民族同盟の軍部であるジンバブエ・アフリカ民族解放軍、ジョシュア・ンコモのジンバブエ・アフリカ人民連合のジンバブエ人民革命軍と、3つの勢力が互いに対立して紛争した。この内戦とそれに続く1978年にスミスとムゾレワが調印した内部和解により、1979年6月に普通選挙が実施されて、ローデシアにおける少数派の白人支配は終わりを告げた。黒人多数派政府の下でジンバブエ・ローデシアと改名された。しかし、この新秩序は国際的な承認を得ることができず、内戦は継続した。


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Chinese Kuomintang security forces hung the head of 42-year-old Ding Xishan, a Chinese Communist guerrilla leader, from a city wall in February 1948 and made it public. A silent crowd gathered around the dead body of the Communist guerrilla.

     Chinese Kuomintang security forces prepared to hang the head of 42-year-old Ding Xishan, a guerrilla leader of the Chinese Communist Party, on the city wall in February 1948. The security forces cut off the head of Ding Xishan, the guerrilla leader, and hung it on the city wall for public viewing. A silent crowd gathered around the bodies of Ding Xishan and other Communist guerrillas. Some of the Communist guerrilla troops were captured and shot, and their corpses were exposed on the river beach outside the city walls of Shanghai. This photo shows the execution of Chinese Communist Party members by the Kuomintang.

 On February 13, 1948, the Chinese People's Liberation Army led more than 60 guerrillas southward by Ding Xishan, a guerrilla commander in the Suzhou-Zhejiang border region. When they reached the Hu Jia dock in Qianqiao, Fengxian County, Shanghai, they were surrounded by Kuomintang troops on a tip-off from a traitor. The Communist-led guerrilla force, led by Captain Ding Xishan, failed to mount an armed attack on the Songjiang County seat of Shanghai. The guerrillas were captured and their key members were killed by the Songjiang garrison security forces by execution. The leader, Ding Xishan, was beheaded in public and his head hung from the city wall for public viewing. After the liberation of Shanghai, Ding Xishan's remains were buried in the Shanghai Longhua Aristocrats Cemetery.

 In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek of the Chinese Nationalist Party staged a coup d'etat in the name of cleaning up the party and began to hunt down and kill Communist Party members; on July 15, 1940, the Japanese military puppet regime of Wang Jingwei staged a coup d'etat, completely destroying cooperation with the Communist Party and starting a long civil war between the two. After the end of the War of Resistance against the Japanese in 1945, China once again fell into civil war with the Communist Party of China. During the period of mutual hostility, the KMT arrested, publicly executed, and killed CCP members on numerous occasions. Mao Zedong of the People's Republic of China, who had defeated the Kuomintang in the Chinese Communist Revolution of the Chinese Civil War, officially proclaimed the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949. 

This is a photograph taken on December 6th, 1946, of the moderate damage to the Nagasaki Higher Commercial School (Nagasaki College of Economics, about 3km from the hypocenter) that was exposed to the Nagasaki atomic bomb.

     Undisclosed photos of Japanese          A-bomb survivors    U.S. Atomic Bomb Surveys The National Archives College Park, Maryland      ...