Thursday, March 21, 2024

On December 29, 1890, the U.S. Army massacred approximately 150 to 300 Lakota Indians at the Wounded Knee Massacre in southwestern South Dakota. Three weeks after the massacre, the bodies of four Lakota Sioux were wrapped in blankets.

  On December 29, 1890, the U.S. Army massacred approximately 150 to 300 Lakota Indians in the Wounded Knee Creek area of southwestern South Dakota. Three weeks after the Wounded Knee massacre, the bodies of four Lakota Sioux were wrapped in blankets.

 In November 1890, U.S. troops arrived on the Lakota reservation with the goal of stopping the rise of the Ghost Dance, an Indian belief ceremony; on December 15, 43 tribal police officers were sent to Sitting Bull's cabin, and a fierce struggle broke out; on December 28, 1890, the U.S. Army's 7th Cavalry reached the Miniconjou tribe's camp near Wounded Knee Creek.

 On December 29, the 7th Cavalry assembled the Miniconjou Tribe and began confiscating their weapons. The cavalry surrounded the Miniconjou tribe, who gathered in a circle in a nearby vacant lot. Four staple guns were placed on a hilltop in the vacant lot.

 The guns accidentally went off and the 7th Cavalry opened fire, leading to a violent conflict. At the first moment, a defenseless Miniconjou tribe member was shot dead. Some women and children fled and took refuge in a nearby ravine. The 7th Cavalry fired artillery shells into the Minicongjou tribe's positions. The fleeing Miniconjou were cut down by the cavalry.

 Approximately 250 to 300 Miniconjou were killed, nearly half of them women and children. At least 25 U.S. soldiers were also killed. The massacre was suppressed by the U.S. Army Plains Indians and organized resistance was cut off.

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