Wednesday, November 22, 2023

On the Western Front of World War II, in November 1944, the bodies of German artillerymen killed by Allied bombing remained on the site of a German battery on the Dutch island of Warkelen.

   The body of a German artillery soldier killed by Allied bombing remains on the site of a German battery on the Dutch island of Warkelen in November 1944 on the Western Front of World War II. The German soldiers were killed while seated on their gun emplacements, and on November 1, 1944, British Special Forces landed in the village of Westkapelle in order to collapse German coastal batteries overlooking the Schelde River. In an amphibious assault (Operation Infatuate), the German coastal batteries collapsed and by November 8 all German resistance on Warkelen Island had ceased.

 The Battle of Walcheren Causeway (Operation Vigor) was the Battle of Suhelde between the 5th Canadian Infantry Brigade, the 52nd British (Lowland) Infantry Division, and the German 15th Army Corps from October 31 to November 2, 1944. This battle was the first of many battles that took place on and around the island of Walkeren during the Battle of Scheldt. It was also the second major battle fought over the terrain known as the Sloedam during World War II.

 Located at the mouth of the Schelde River in the Netherlands, Warkelen Island was an island that allowed the use of Antwerp's deep-water harbor located upstream. In May 1940, during World War II, fighting between the Dutch and German forces took place and the Germans occupied the island. from October 31 to November 2, 1944, fighting broke out again at the Battle of Warkelen Causeway, a battle on the banks of the Schelde River. on October 3, 1944, the Allied air forces bombed the breakwater at West Capel, causing the flooding of Warkelen Island. The 2nd Canadian Infantry Division broke through east of South Beveland and approached Warkelen Island on October 31, 1944. The lead elements of the 5th Canadian Infantry Brigade, whose assault boats were crippled in the deep mud of Slough Strait, had their only line of fire at the Warkelen Causeway, about 40 meters wide.

 From South Beland to Walcheren Island, there was a land bridge of about 1.6 km. Canadian Black Watch troops dispatched a company on the night of October 31, but were stopped by the Germans. The Calgary Highlanders sent two companies to establish a bridgehead on Warkelen Island in a second attack. The Calgary Highlanders suffered 64 casualties and were eventually repulsed by the Germans. The Maisonneuve Regiment relieved the Calgary Highlanders troops and others on the causeway. The 1st Battalion, Glasgow Highlanders of the British 52nd Infantry Division followed.

 On November 1, 1944, British Special Forces landed at the village of West Capel to collapse German coastal batteries overlooking the Schelde River. In an amphibious assault (Operation Infatuate), the German coastal batteries collapsed and by November 8 all German resistance on Warkelen Island had ceased. About 160 Allied troops were killed or wounded and about 60 more Germans were killed.

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