Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ernie Pyle, a U.S. Army service reporter and winner of the 1944 Pulitzer Prize, was killed in action on April 18, 1945, when he was shot by Japanese soldiers on Ie Island during the Battle of Okinawa.

  Ernie Pyle, a U.S. Army service reporter, was killed in action on Iejima Island, Okinawa, Japan, on April 18, 1945, after being shot by Japanese soldiers. Ernie Pyle was buried helmeted among other war dead on Iejima Island, among U.S. Army infantry privates and combat engineers.

  Ernie Pyle of the U.S. Army landed on Ie Island, Okinawa, with the U.S. Army 305th Infantry on April 17, 1945. Pyle, along with the 305th Infantry Regiment of the 77th Infantry Division, landed on Ie Island, a small island northwest of the main island of Okinawa. The Allied forces had captured Ie Island but had not yet completely eliminated the Japanese soldiers; by April 18, they had neutralized the local hostile Japanese forces. Pyle was traveling around Ie Island in a jeep with Lieutenant Colonel Joseph B. Coolidge. Pyle, along with Lt. Col. Coolidge, commander of the 305th, and three other officers, were traveling in a jeep toward Coolidge's new headquarters.

 As the jeep slowed to avoid traffic ahead near the village of Ie, a Japanese soldier hiding on a coral ridge about a third of a mile away opened fire with a Southern machine gun. A burst of shells hit the road overhead, and they quickly took cover in a nearby ditch. A short time later, Pyle and Coolidge got up to look around. The Japanese soldiers fired again, and Coolidge, dodging a bullet, turned to see Pyle lying on the ground. A bullet struck Pyle in the left temple. Coolidge looked at Ernie Pyle, a retired military reporter, who had been shot and killed.

 June 6, 1944 was D-Day (the day the attack began), when the Allied landings in Normandy, France, in the “greatest operation ever undertaken” by the Allied forces, began. On the first day of the landings, only a small area was occupied, and it took 20 days to overrun the entire area. Although the Normandy landings were largely accomplished, many soldiers lost their lives. Army reporter Ernie Pyle (1900-1945) was aboard the D-Day fleet and landed shortly after his unit. He was wounded in a bombing run and narrowly escaped death. For his article on this occasion, Annie Pyle was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for 1944.

On May 4, 1945, a Japanese suicide plane, despite being hit by bullets, came within striking distance of the U.S. aircraft carrier Sangamon. The suicide plane, aiming at the escort carrier, Sangamon, was hit by a bullet just before entering the ship, narrowly missing the port side and falling into the sea

  On May 4, 1945, a Japanese suicide plane, despite being hit by bullets, came within striking distance of the U.S. aircraft carrier Sangamon. Aiming at the escort carrier, the Sangamon, the suicide plane was hit by a bullet just before entering the ship, narrowly missing the port side and falling into the sea. During the Battle of Okinawa, approximately 3,000 Japanese Kamikaze pilots were killed in the Battle of Okinawa. The suicide planes did not end until August 16, the day after the unconditional surrender of the Japanese forces.

  At 18:30 on May 4, 1945, the Sangamon departed from the Kerama Islands, 24 km west of the main island of Okinawa. Japanese suicide planes, only 47 km offshore. American fighters intercepted and shot down nine Japanese suicide planes; one passed over and began circling to the port side of the Sangamon at about 17:00 on May 4. The escort carrier, the Sangamon, turned sharply to the left to avoid the suicide plane. It then began to open fire on the ship. The Japanese suicide plane crashed into the water about 7.6 meters from the starboard beam.

  The second other Japanese suicide plane, a Toryu, followed the first, and at 19:25 another suicide plane broke through the interceptor screen. It fled into the clouds to avoid American anti-aircraft fire. It then emerged from the clouds and headed toward Sangamon while increasing its speed. 19:33, the Kamikaze suicide plane dropped its bombs and crashed in the center of the flight deck. The bomb and part of the fuselage penetrated the deck and exploded at the bottom.

The Sangamon redirected the flames and smoke and allowed the fire to spread. by 20:15, with steering control, the ship was under control with the crew being returned to fight more fires. Water pressure was low as fire extinguisher pipes and risers ruptured. Carbon dioxide bottles were deployed. The port call was made and all fires were under control by 22:30. Communications with other units were restored, and at 23:20, Sangamon returned to the Kerama Islands for temporary repairs with the loss of 11 American dead, 25 missing, and 21 seriously injured.

Kamikaze Suicide Bomber(1945) 

[British Pathé]

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

During the first Chechen conflict, which broke out on December 11, 1994, Russian Federation soldiers carried the bodies of their slain comrades.

  Russian Federation soldiers carry the bodies of their slain comrades in the first Chechen conflict, which broke out on December 11, 1994. Initially, President Yeltsin thought he could overrun Chechnya in a short time. The Russian Federation Army showed surprising fragility and struggled, with a large number of Russian Federation soldiers becoming prisoners of the Chechen armed forces.

 The Chechen conflict also saw a series of hostage incidents: in June 1996, militants occupied a hospital in the Russian region of Stavropol, adjacent to Chechnya, demanding that Russian troops cease military operations.They took 200 patients and civilians hostage and holed up. The Yeltsin regime forced security forces to raid the hospital, but failed to gain control of the situation. Tragically, 121 civilians died as collateral damage in the firefight. In January 1996, another 500 militants occupied a hospital in Kizlyar in the Republic of Dagestan, which is adjacent to Chechnya. They took 2,000 civilians hostage. Again, Russian forces launched an all-out assault, killing 83 civilians and soldiers. Chechen armed forces, which are inferior to Russian Federation forces in terms of military strength, have often conducted hostage operations.

 In the second Chechen conflict, which began on August 26, 1999, Chechen armed forces invaded the neighboring Republic of Dagestan. The goal was to establish an “Islamic state” combining Dagestan and Chechnya. Russian federal troops attacked them. Then, in September, Chechen militants caused a series of five bombings in Moscow and other parts of Russia. The bombs were powerful enough to collapse concrete apartment buildings. In total, more than 300 people were killed in the attacks. At this time, the prime minister of the Russian Federation was Vladimir Putin, who had been appointed to the post by President Yeltsin. Putin immediately launched a Chechen mop-up operation, identifying the serial bombings as the work of the Chechens.

 The Russian public, angered by the mass casualties of innocent civilians, supported the Chechen cleanup operation. This time, the Russian federal army did not behave as poorly as in the first Chechen conflict and initially made good progress, which increased Russian public support for Putin In February 2000, the Russian federal army declared control of Grozny, the capital of Chechnya. The armed forces fled to the mountainous regions of the south. The Russian people welcomed Putin's decisive policy. Yeltsin's retirement brought Putin an overwhelming victory in the Russian presidential elections of March 2000.

Monday, September 16, 2024

On the Eastern Front of World War II, Russian children faced starvation and starvation. Nazi German troops confiscated food and were forbidden to feed Russian civilians.

  On the Eastern Front of World War II, Russian children faced starvation and starvation. Nazi German troops confiscated food and were forbidden to feed Russian civilians as “incomprehensible humanity. Nazi Germany adopted a plan on April 29, 1941 to starve the Soviet people by stealing Soviet land and food and providing a complete food supply exclusively for German troops.

  During World War II, it was primarily the Soviet Union that suffered from massive starvation and starvation deaths. Approximately 20 to 25 million Russian citizens died of starvation and starvation-related diseases. In Britain, an effective rationing system ensured “fair” food rationing throughout the war. In Germany, the famine conditions of 1918-1919 were not replicated. Japan faced semi-starvation at the end of the war. In Europe, famine mortality was low, except in Greece and the Soviet Union. In the Orient, in Bengal, Henan, and Java, 3-5% of the population died. During World War II, famine-related deaths equaled or exceeded military losses. During World War II, food rationing reflected the definition of “need.” Military personnel and those engaged in hard labor were given extra calories, while women and children were given miniscule, fewer calories.

  During World War II, only the Soviet Union suffered from mass starvation and starvation deaths. Many people died of starvation and starvation in the occupied Soviet Union. The Nazi Germans did not realize their starvation plan to expel 30 million people from grain-surplus areas in early 1941 to starve them out. The invasion of the Soviet Union in the weeks of June 1941 resulted in the deaths of approximately 4 million people due to the brutal requisitioning of Nazi German forces in the occupied territories. About 7 million Soviet citizens died of starvation and famine in the occupied territories. Ukraine and Belarus suffered, especially Ukraine, which lost more than 3 million people, or nearly 8% of its total population, to famine and starvation. At least one million people also died in the Soviet city of Leningrad, which was blockaded by Nazi German troops.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

In the Russo-Ukrainian War, on October 3, 2022, the bodies of their comrades were found in the town of Liman, Ukraine, which had been recaptured from the Russian army just prior to the war. After identifying the body, Ukrainian soldiers smoked cigarettes in the area.

   In the Russo-Ukrainian War, on October 3, 2022, the bodies of their comrades were found in the town of Liman, Ukraine, which had been recaptured from the Russian army just prior to the war. After identifying the body, Ukrainian soldiers smoked cigarettes in the area. Ukrainian troops recovered the corpses of their comrades on October 3, two days after Russian troops retreated after heavy fighting over the control of Liman. Numerous bodies were still on the ground, and the bodies of Russian soldiers were not immediately removed.

   The Second Battle of Liman broke out on September 3-October 1, 2022, and on October 1, 2022, the Russians withdrew from Liman, a strategic city in the eastern Donetsk Oblast that had served as an important logistical and transportation hub for Russian forces to avoid being surrounded by Ukrainian troops. The liberation of this city gave Ukraine an important base from which to launch an offensive deep into Russian-controlled territory.

   Citizens fight for their land, for their children, and for a better life for their people, but the cost is very high, Ukrainian soldiers said. Liman residents came out of their basements, where they had been hiding during the battle for control of the city, to build bonfires and cook. The city of Liman has had no water, electricity, or gas since May 2022 Residential buildings were burned.

   After recapturing Lyman in Donetsk Oblast, Ukrainian forces pushed further east, advancing toward Kreminna and invading as far as the border of neighboring Luhansk Oblast, the Institute of War Studies analyzed.On October 3, Ukrainian forces were also in the south, Arkhanhelske, Milorubivka, Freshenivka, Mikhalyivka, and Novovorontsovka villages.

   On October 4, the Federation Council, the upper house of the Russian parliament, voted to ratify a treaty annexing four regions to become part of Russia: Donetsk and Luhansk in the east, and Kherson and Zaporizhia in the south.The lower house immediately rubber-stamped the accession agreement. Ukraine and its Western allies rejected the referendum as illegal and fraudulent.

Warning: Ukrainian servicemen smoke cigarettes after they find and identify a dead body of a comrade in the recently recaptured town of Lyman, Ukraine, Monday, Oct. 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Japanese soldiers and civilians flocked to the train in September 1945 to take advantage of free transportation from Hiroshima to their hometowns after the end of World War II.



アメリカ国立公文書館 2024年2月22日

(The National Archives College Park, Maryland) 


TR -15653

473761 Sept.1945









LOCAL NO: TR 15653


TR -15653

473761 1945年9月








ローカルナンバー:TR 15653


Friday, September 13, 2024

In May 1980, a Korean woman hugged and grieved over a coffin at the morgue of a relative who was killed in the Gwangju Uprising. On the right side of the coffin was written “Unknown.

  In May 1980, a Korean woman hugged and grieved over a coffin at the morgue of a relative who was killed in the Gwangju Uprising. The coffin on its right side was marked “Unknown.

 The Gwangju Uprising in southwestern South Korea broke out on May 18, 1980, in response to the imposition of martial law by Jeon Doo-hwan in a military coup on May 17, 1980. Martial Law No. 10 closed universities, banned political activities, and restricted the press. The uprising broke out when students at Chonnam National University who demonstrated against martial law were fired upon, killed, raped, beaten, and tortured by the Korean military.Some Gwangju citizens took up arms and formed militias. Some Gwangju citizens armed themselves and formed militias to storm local police stations and armories. They overran most of Gwangju before Korean soldiers re-entered the city and put down the uprising. Students and all other leaders of the pro-democracy movement were suspected of being traitors and anti-government criminals, and the charges against those treated as prisoners were brutal.

  On May 21, around 1:00 p.m., Korean troops opened fire on the crowd assembled in front of the Jeollanam-do provincial government building, resulting in numerous casualties. Some demonstrators attacked a reserve army armory and a nearby police station, armed with M1 rifles and M1/M2 carbines. By then, up to 200,000 people were fighting against 100,000 troops. The South Korean government has announced that 165 people were killed in this massacre of the Gwangju Uprising. In recent years, scholars have estimated between 600 and 2,300 casualties in relation to this massacre count. Only a handful of foreign correspondents were able to report on the Gwangju Uprising, and on May 27, the Martial Law Command suppressed the protests.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

German soldiers hid in the trenches where the dead bodies of the dead and wounded were strewn about as the Germans fought in the capital, Warsaw. The capital Warsaw fell on September 27, 1939. The Germans lost 8,082 dead and were defeated in about four weeks.

   World War II broke out with the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939; by September 19, the Polish army was surrounded by German troops and some 20,000 Polish soldiers were killed in action. The Germans fought in the capital city of Warsaw during the invasion, where German soldiers hid themselves in trenches littered with the corpses of the dead and wounded. The capital Warsaw fell on September 27, 1939, and the last traces of resistance were gone by October 5, 1939. The Germans lost 8,082 dead in the campaign, and the invading Germans defeated the Polish army in about four weeks.

  The final collapse of Poland was accelerated by the Soviet Red Army's invasion and occupation of its eastern territories on September 17. The German-Soviet Pact divided Poland in two with the Soviet Union, giving the Soviets free rein in the Baltic Sea. German casualties in the invasion of Poland were 27,278 killed and 5029 missing, while Polish casualties were 70,000 killed and 130,000 wounded. The swiftness of the operation and the low German casualties were also the result of the Soviet Red Army's invasion of eastern Poland.

  On September 3, 1939, both Great Britain and France, which had signed mutual defense treaties with Poland, declared war on Germany after Germany did not respond to an ultimatum demanding immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Polish territory. World War II became an unequal battle from the outset. The Germans organized an army of about 1.5 million men for the invasion and attack on Poland, with 2,750 tanks, 2,315 fighter planes, and 9,000 artillery guns. The Polish army had 1 million troops, but could not mobilize many of them. Even those that could be mobilized were equipped with outdated equipment, with only 4,300 guns, 210 tanks, 670 tankettes, and 800 fighter planes. Poland was planned to attack Germany from the west by France and Great Britain, who had signed a military alliance on March 31. The Polish army was mistakenly overrun by the Germans without the Allied forces coming to Poland's aid.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Japanese fighters bombed the USS Sangamon (CVE-26) escort carrier. The Japanese suicide pilots who hit the Sangamon were not killed instantly, but were rescued by American soldiers with battle wounds.

     In the Pacific theater of World War II, Japanese fighter planes bombed the USS Sangamon (CVE-26) escort carrier of the United States Army. Suicide attackers who hit the Sangamon were not killed instantly, but were rescued by American soldiers with battle wounds. During the bombing, a Japanese “Zeke” fighter was shot down.The pilot of the Japanese fighter that fell in the Pacific was rescued by USS Thrasen (DD-530) off Leyte on October 20, 1944, and later transferred to the sick bay of the San Mogan aircraft carrier.

      Prior to the U.S. landing on Leyte on October 20, the Sangamon escort carrier began regular fighter arrivals and departures in support of the advance troops of the U.S. invasion force. Sangamon conducted attacks against airfields in Leyte and the Visayas; on October 20, fighters launched from Sangamon provided cover for landing parties and ships in the transport area; on October 20, Sangamon was hit on the main deck level, the top hidden deck, by another Japanese air assault. A bomb was dropped by a Japanese Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero fighter. The bomb tore through a 0.61m X 1.83m section of plating and subsequently fell into the sea off Leyte. It exploded about 270 meters away from the “Jeep” carrier.

     During the invasion of Leyte, suicide attacks by Japanese bomber crews of units other than the Special Strike Group were dubbed as the first kamikaze attacks. The Battle of Leyte, which broke out between October 23 and October 25, 1944, was the first battle in which Japanese fighters conducted organized kamikaze special attacks. It was the largest naval battle ever fought between Japanese and American battleships. The Japanese suffered approximately 12,000 casualties. The American forces suffered approximately 3,000 casualties.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Victims of an attempted military coup lie in a morgue in Lome, Togo's capital, on December 5, 1991; on December 3, Togo's military stormed the official residence and detained the prime minister.

  Victims of an attempted military coup lie in a morgue in Lome, the capital of Togo, on December 5, 1991, after the Supreme Council of the Republic of Togo (HCR) voted to dissolve President Eyamade's political party (RPT) in November 1991, and on December 3 the Togo army stormed the official residence and detained the prime minister.Eyamade became the longest-serving president in African history from 1967 until his death in 2005.

 Loyal to Eyadema, Togo's military took over Lome's state broadcaster on October 1 after the government failed to pay salaries. The Togo army demanded HCR's resignation, but he was ordered back to the barracks by Eyadema.About five people were killed in this mayhem. A week later, the presidential guard, this time under the command of Eyadema's half-brother, attempted to arrest the prime minister and HCR representative, Joseph Kokoo Kofigor.The arrest resulted in further deaths and the arrest of Eyadema's half-brother and several other officers.

  The commission drafted a new constitution, and the struggle between Eyadema and Kofigo's supporters continued until the fall of 1991, when the Togolese army was mobilized in November 1991 to quell the protests. A curfew was imposed in the capital city of Lome. Outbreaks of violence continued until the beginning of 1992, when in early May 1992, an assassination attempt on Olympio, blamed on Togo's military, sparked a two-day general strike in the capital Lome. Due to continued disturbances, no elections were held in 1992-1993; in March 1992, a military camp in Lome, where Eyadema resided, was attacked and blamed on Olympio supporters; in April 1992, presidential elections were announced for June; in May 1992, targets on both the government and opposition sides were attacked; and in May 1992, a series of bombings targeting the government and opposition sides were carried out. The elections were postponed due to a series of bombings targeting both government and opposition targets in May 1992. New elections were scheduled for January 1994, but another armed attack on a military base in Eyadema was blamed on Olympio and the Ghanaian government, and the elections were postponed until January.

  The elections resulted in a victory for the opposition coalition. The political violence plaguing the country was not resolved: in October, Togo's phosphate bureau, the government agency that controls the country's main industry, was attacked. The unrest continued after the opposition coalition collapsed due to defections to Eyadema's party, hindering Togo's transition to democracy; a rally of about 100,000 opposition supporters was held in the capital in May 1997, where Eyadema was accused of manipulating the political system. The peaceful nature of the protests and the fact that the Togo military allowed them to take place left many political and ethnic issues unresolved, although Togo is maturing as a viable democracy.


Monday, September 9, 2024

It was the early 20th century and these were the heads of two prisoners guillotined in France. The brutality and the victims were reduced to mere livestock.

  It was the early 20th century and these were the heads of two prisoners guillotined in France. The brutality of the guillotine reduced the victims to mere livestock. Capital punishment is an atrocity that cannot always be concealed, no matter what the state regime or method of execution. In France, candidates for execution are tormented every night as they go to bed for the last night of their lives, and sleep in peace only on Saturday evenings and before national holidays.

 The executioner, who holds the official title, sets up the guillotine in a corner of the prison yard on the eve of the execution scheduled for early morning. The death penalty apparatus is the article of the executioner, not the state.Both the executioners and judicial officials avoided the name guillotine, referring to it by its official name, the “tree of justice,” or la machine for short. Each part of the guillotine was covered with rubber and quietly assembled during the night.

 At dawn, around 4:30 a.m., several men crept in their socks in front of the still-sleeping cells of the condemned prisoners. They quickly woke the terrified condemned prisoners, took off their shoes, and put them back on in front of their cells. The group included the warden, two judges, the condemned man's lawyer, a clergyman, a doctor, and two guards. The cell door was breached and the guards rushed toward the prisoners. They rushed toward the disoriented condemned prisoner, pulled him up, and tied his hands behind his back. The warden told the condemned prisoner, “Your plea for mercy has been denied. Take courage. You are about to be executed."

 The condemned man was dragged into the yard and pushed into a bascule (swing). The lunette, the neck plate, closes and the axe falls. Decapitation by guillotine was conceived by Dr. Guillotin. In beheading by sword, the face of the decapitated head moved for a while; in the 19th century, French doctors experimented on heads, and in 1879 a female murderer was guillotined and two doctors examined her head.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Palestinian rescuers dig up the buried body of a man from the rubble of a building destroyed by an Israeli airstrike in Nuseirat, Gaza Strip, on May 14, 2024.

  Palestinian rescuers dig up the buried body of a man from the rubble of a building destroyed by an Israeli airstrike in Nuseirat, Gaza Strip, May 14, 2024. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on May 14 that it had attacked a Hamas fighting room inside a school run by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza. Palestinian authorities said the attack in central Gaza killed at least 12 people between the night and May 14. Eight bodies were recovered from a flattened three-story vertical house in the built-up, flattened Nuseirat refugee camp.

  About 450,000 Palestinians were driven out of Rafah in southern Gaza in one week, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees said on May 14. Israeli forces have pushed into the city of Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas. Health officials say more than 35,000 people, mostly women and children, have been killed in seven months of Israeli shelling and ground attacks in Gaza. The war began on October 7, when Hamas attacked southern Israel, killing about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and abducting about 250. According to Israel, the militants announced that they are still holding about 100 hostages and more than 30 dead bodies.

  For the past week, food has been unable to enter two major border crossings in southern Gaza. According to the UN, some 1.1 million Palestinians face catastrophic hunger. In the north, there is a “full-blown famine,” with only 50 humanitarian aid trucks entering Gaza on May 12. In previous weeks, the number was in the hundreds per day.This risks exacerbating the already deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. They warn of escalation in Rafah. Officials from NISEF, Doctors Without Borders, the Palestinian Red Crescent, and others expressed concern about the increased hostilities as well as restrictions on the entry of aid supplies.

Warning: Palestinians rescuers dig around the body of man in the rubble of a building destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in Nuseirat, Gaza Strip, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (AP Photo/Abdel Kareem Hana)

Saturday, September 7, 2024




アメリカ国立公文書館 2024年2月22日

(The National Archives College Park, Maryland) 




Se. 273 296 10 DECEMBER 1946





Atomic Bome Casualities

 Phtography by Sigmal Corps US.Army 14668



Se. 273 296 1946年12月10日


撮影者:Dr. メンショー



撮影:シグマル軍団アメリカ陸軍 14668 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Tibetan Goshul Lobsang was murdered at the age of 43 on March 19, 2014, leaving behind a wife and two children, due to torture in a Tibetan Chinese prison on March 19, 2014.

   Tibetan Goshul Lobsang died on March 19, 2014 at the age of 43 from torture in a Chinese prison in Tibet. Goshul Lobsang, a native of Machu County, was arrested in 2010 and sentenced to one year in prison for his involvement in the 2008 protests across Tibet. He was left naked in the harsh winter, not fed, and subjected to severe beatings and torture before being released early to avoid the charge of manslaughter in confinement. Lobsang was killed on March 19, 2014 at the age of 43, leaving behind a wife and two children, due to torture in prison.

  Tibetans are no longer subjected to arbitrary detention, arrest, and sentencing by the Chinese of the People's Republic of China who invaded Tibet, which has become the new norm. Tibetans are often taken from their places of residence in the middle of the night and no one is missing for months. While in detention, human rights activists are tortured and forced to confess to their crimes.

  Tibetans, unable to defend themselves, were often wrongfully tried by the Chinese. All court documents were written in Chinese, not Tibetan. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was also criticized in a 2018 opinion. Tibetans are not even given copies of court documents and are not allowed to give evidence in their defense. They seldom have access to lawyers to fight the charges. What is called a trial is often a sham, and even family members and relatives learned later that the accused had already been tried and sentenced.

  The People's Republic of China annexed Tibet in 1950 and negotiated the Seventeen-Article Agreement with the 14th Dalai Lama, who later completely rejected the agreement in exile. After the Dalai Lama fled to Dharamsala, he settled in India, where he established a rival government-in-exile after fleeing to India during the Tibetan uprising in 1959.

On the Eastern Front of World War II, mass graves of German troops buried some of the dead from the front lines every day on the battlefield. The losses and casualties of German soldiers increased month by month on the Eastern Front.

     In the mass graves of German troops on the Eastern Front of World War II, some of the dead bodies of the front lines were buried every day on the battlefield. The losses and casualties of German soldiers increased month by month on the Eastern Front. Soon the surviving Germans had neither the time nor the luxury of collecting the corpses of their fellow Germans. The shock of a group of German infantrymen witnessing the impact of a German mass grave reflected not only differences in character, but also differences in war experience.

   The fighting on the Eastern Front in World War II constituted the greatest military conflict in history.Unprecedented ferocity, massive destruction, mass deportations, and enormous loss of life due to fighting, starvation, exposure, disease, and massacres broke out. Of the estimated 70 to 85 million deaths from World War II, approximately 40 million died on the Eastern Front. The Eastern Front became the battleground that determined the outcome of the European front in World War II. The Soviet Red Army inflicted overwhelming damage and casualties on Nazi Germany and the Axis forces. The Axis forces included German and further allied forces such as Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Italy. American and British forces, which did not engage in military action on the Eastern Front, provided substantial military material support to the Soviet Red Army.

   Most Germans and German soldiers believed they were fighting and suffering for their country. Now, on the European front of World War II, which ended on May 8, 1945, the truth was revealed. It was all futile and pointless. We were serving the inhuman purposes of a criminal leadership. Exhausted and helpless, they were stricken with a new sense of insecurity. Would their own relatives still be found? What is the point of rebuilding in the ruins of Germany? Reflecting on their dark past, the Germans looked to an uncertain and bleak future.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

On the afternoon of September 15, 1944, D-Day, when U.S. Marines landed on Peleliu Island, they defeated a Japanese tank attack. The Japanese tanks disintegrated and two bodies of Japanese soldiers killed in action were scattered around them on the shores of Peleliu Island.




Tuesday, September 3, 2024

During the Pacific War of World War II, many Australian POWs were interned at the POW camp on Ambon Island by the Japanese military, and died of starvation due to forced labor and malnutrition.

   During the Pacific War of World War II, many Australian soldiers starved to death after being interned at a POW camp on Ambon Island by the Japanese military. Malnourished Australian POWs starved to death one after another due to malnutrition caused by forced labor and malnutrition.

  At the POW camp on Ambon Island, Australian soldiers suffered a mortality rate of approximately 77% as a result of massacres, starvation, tropical diseases, and epidemics committed against POWs by the Japanese.Approximately 8,031 Australian POWs were killed by the Japanese. This was about one-third of the total number of Australian POWs. Of the approximately 8,184 Australian soldiers captured by the Germans and Italians on the European front in World War II, only about 3.2% were killed.

  In addition to Austrian soldiers, Japanese troops also abused and massacred Australian women who had served as nurses. At the Far East Tokyo Trials of World War II, Australian Chief Justice Webb solely held the Emperor responsible for the war.

   Ambon Island is part of the Maluku Islands in Indonesia. The city of Ambon was a major Dutch military base occupied by the Japanese from Allied forces in the 1942 World War II Battle of Ambon. Summary executions were carried out after the battle, and more than 300 Dutch and Australian soldiers were executed in the Raha massacre.About 300 of the POWs who surrendered at the Raha airfield in Ambon were massacred in the four districts surrounding the airfield. They were stabbed with bayonets, clubbed to death, and beheaded. The large Far East POW camp was horrific, and many Australian soldiers lost their lives due to disease, starvation, and mistreatment by the Japanese.

Monday, September 2, 2024

In March 2015, Iraqi man Abu Al-Rahman posed in front of a severed human head and gave the Islamic State (ISIS) one-finger salute in front of multiple decapitated heads.

2015年3月にイラク人のアブ・アル=ラーマン(Abu Al-Rahman)は、切り落とされた人間の頭の前でポーズをとった。複数の首を切断された首の前でイスラム国(ISIS)の一本指敬礼をした。切断された頭部や覆面をしたISISの戦闘員とともに写真に収められている。 2014年6月28日に、イラクとシリアで攻勢を強めるスンニ派武装勢力(ISIS)は、カリフであるアブ・バルク・アル・バクディアイがイスラム国を樹立した。



Ernie Pyle, a U.S. Army service reporter and winner of the 1944 Pulitzer Prize, was killed in action on April 18, 1945, when he was shot by Japanese soldiers on Ie Island during the Battle of Okinawa.

  Ernie Pyle, a U.S. Army service reporter, was killed in action on Iejima Island, Okinawa, Japan, on April 18, 1945, after being shot by Ja...